Conscious Conception

Has anyone heard of conscious conception? What does Conscious Conception mean?  According to this article, “The term ‘conscious conception’ is the idea of setting the intention of creating and holding a loving space to welcome your baby. When we think of preparing for conception we often focus on preparing our bodies; however, preparing one's body, mind, and spirit to take a more holistic approach can make it an even more powerful and transformative experience. Conscious conception is meant to be personal and authentic to you and your partner and the unique life you will bring into the world. In practicing this you can hopefully cultivate a deeper connection between the two of you, learn to trust the process, and move through some of the expectations, pressures, fears or judgments that can be present as you call your baby forth. It’s important to remember that your journey is sacred and special, no matter how long it takes, or what it takes to get there; bringing a baby into your world is truly a divine experience.”

I wish I had known about this when we were trying to get pregnant.  We were going through the motions…shots every day, appointments 2-3 times a week, blood work twice a week, shots every morning, afternoon, and night, ice packs on my belly and bottom, planned sex ( do not recommend), injecting things into my body, you know…all the lovely things that go with IVF or IUIs or any sort of fertility treatments.

I am in a group on Instagram for a group of writers that has decided we will all support each other.  We like everyone’s posts, comment on them, and inspire each other throughout each day.  One of them is a holistic healer writing a book about children and childbirth.  I wish I had known her when I went through everything to get pregnant.  She did a course on Conscious Conception.  

As I get older and further along in my journey, I am becoming more conscious of the world of spirituality, the Universe, manifesting, and things like that.  Manifesting is “putting your intention towards something that you hope will happen, then watching it happen in real life. In other words, if you think it, it'll come true.”  The thing is, I didn't know I was doing this all along in my pregnancy.

I knew there were two babies in there immediately.  I was so sick that I thought I had the flu; I felt like I wanted to crawl into a hole and die, and my blood levels were the levels of twins.  Our first ultrasound proved it!  However, the awfully negative doctors stated that “twins are high risk.  There is one without a heartbeat.  That one won’t make it.  So sorry.  But you are pregnant!”

These words crushed me.  I was so excited to have them in there, and the fact that one would simply “absorb into the other” did not work for me.  It is called “vanishing twin syndrome.”  I was not having it.  I knew that Baby A was alive, and I believe my positive thoughts and manifesting helped him survive those first couple of weeks. Everyone told me not to get my hopes up.  I said, “nope, there are two.  I just know.”  Mother’s intuition is a real thing; I truly believe that.

At the second ultrasound two weeks later, guess what?  Baby A had a heartbeat!  We were actually having twins (much to the dismay of the doctors who told me it was impossible for Twin A to survive).”  I wanted to flip them off, say “french toast you!” and move on.  But I kept my cool and simply said “I knew it!”

The Law of Attraction according to this article is “ the most powerful law in the universe, basically says that ‘like attracts like.’  We live in a vibrational universe where everything, including our thoughts, are vibrations. Whatever we are giving our attention to or thinking about—whether or not it is something we wish to have in our experience—is drawn to us.”

I’ve done vibrational work for the past few years.  I believe that if I have higher vibrations, greater things will come to me.  When I got in a car accident 2.5 years ago with Noah and my mom in the car, I acted as a bigger person than the person whom I ran into.  She was a miserable human being and had low vibrations.  I simply remind myself of that when I had to hire a lawyer to help me through the claim.  She was stating that everything was my fault, when really she slammed on her brakes in front of me.  I found out through my lawyer that she was in a second accident right after mine and also had a prior incident before mine.  She obviously sucked at driving…and my vibrations are lowering as I say this. 

I also did a past life regression session where I was hypnotized and learned about my past lives.  Another thing I believe in.  I know I am losing a lot of readers at this point, but has that stopped me before?  A past life regression is “a gentle form of hypnotherapy which takes an individual back through time to their previous lives or incarnations by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in their subconscious mind. Life today is so busy and so ‘noisy’ that these memories are usually concealed beneath the noise of everyday thoughts. A PLR session guides you out of the noise and into a deeply quiet and peaceful state where it’s far easier to locate the memories held in your subconscious mind.”

I found out that through my past lives, I have very high vibrations.  I am striving to be a better person in this life and will become even stronger in my next.  One of my lives was of me being a ruler of many people; like a viking queen.  I was leading all of my people south because the conditions where we lived were not liveable.  I was a strong person, leader, and took care of my people.  

This relates to how I am now.  I take care of people, I am stronger than I think, I can get through anything, and I am becoming the leader I want to be.  I remember this viking queen when I am struggling with things, thinking I am weak and insignificant.  I remember I am a strong person, who is a leader and a caregiver.  Whether or not you believe this sort of stuff, I truly believe it.  It might benefit you to look deeper within your soul to feel how you can better this life based on the powers you have as a person.

None of us know what this life holds.  But I know through manifesting, believing in my past self, and living consciously that I will make an impact.  My book will eventually make an impact.  My parenting will make an impact.  I will make an impact on others through my volunteer work and coaching of others in need.  I am the person people go to in order to vent and let out their feelings.  I have the aura around me to help, to serve, and to love.  I am strong, I am independent, I am a caregiver, and I am a leader.

Who are you?  What do you want out of this life?  You can manifest what you want; go for it.  Love yourself, your past self, and who you want to be.


Hope for 2022


Fucking Shirley Temples