Can IVF be Considered Unethical?

Paris Hilton is doing IVF.  Has she struggled with infertility?  No.  Has she tried to get pregnant naturally?  Nope!  She just wants to “pick boy/girl twins” and start a family so she can (this is my favorite part) “have a real life.”  She goes on to say that IVF is something “most women should just do…and then you can pick whether you want boys or girls.”  Insert all of the face palms and angry swearing emojis here.

For someone to use IVF the same way you shop for handbags is, in my opinion, absolutely disgusting. IVF is usually a procedure that one goes through after already going through hell, such as miscarriages, still-borns, thousands of shots and pills, hundreds of appointments, numerous negative pregnancy tests, and the absolute worst emotional roller coaster one could imagine. 

Yet here she is.  Flaunting it.   I imagine her sitting there, stroking her pet chihuahua giggling “Heehee….like everyone should just do this duh.”  Not only is it a slap in the face to those of us who have gone through it, it is also not showing a realistic portrayal of IVF.  IVF costs thousands of dollars and is not covered by medical insurance.  Most people either spend their life savings, go into massive debt, or cannot even afford the procedure at all.  To so carelessly discuss it the way one would discuss buying new shoes is just more proof how tone deaf and out of touch celebrities can be.  I can only imagine watching Paris raise twins would be the same as watching a blind sloth run a marathon backwards.  A complete disastrous shit show.  She will likely bank off it with a new reality television show which people will absolutely love because it will be a constant drama filled disaster.  I will of course boycott it due to my seething hatred towards her now after her infertility IVF comments.

I posted about her IVF comments on my social media, and shockingly, got more likes for this post than any of my other posts in my entire time using this platform.  Most people agreed with me, but I did also get some backlash.  Granted, I didn’t use the nicest language and may or may not have used the hashtag #spoiledbitch, but hey, you all know me.  I don’t always have the best filter when I am passionate about something.  I stated that she didn’t deserve to be part of the infertility community, and one person thought that was a little harsh, saying “everyone deserves to be a mom.”  I feel that Paris does not deserve to be in the infertility community because she is not actually going through infertility issues.  She is simply using IVF as her way to get boy girl twins, which to me is completely unnatural and unethical.  Whether or not she deserves to be a mom is something totally different.  

Sadly, Paris will, yet again, get exactly what she wants.  Luckily for us mere peasants, we don’t have to think another second about it as it doesn’t matter whatsoever.  She is just another celeb who means nothing in the grand scheme of things.  This is one of those moments where I have to think to myself: serenity now, pause when agitated, accept the things you cannot change, and why are you letting this person who has nothing to do with your life upset you!?  Unfortunately, I am all stressed out and fed up over it and rather than get over it, I thought I would write about it as my therapy.  Thanks for listening to me vent.  With that, we can all move forward on with our “real lives” that actually matter.


The Mind of a Fellen


Oopsie Poopsie