Oopsie Poopsie

We’ve had a busy last couple of weeks.  We took our first trip on a plane with the kiddos!  They did surprisingly well; Bella was not a fan of sitting at the very beginning and was a bit of a mess, but she cuddled with Dad and felt better throughout the flight.  Noah was sitting with me.  About halfway through the flight, I could tell Noah was antsy.  I decided I was going to change his diaper because that would take up some time and get him out of the seat.

As we all know, airplane bathrooms are NOT the most comfortable and spacious things in the world.  We get in there, and I immediately smell that Noah pooped.  Thank God I decided to get him back here!  What I didn’t realize was that it was a blow out.  All over his back and pants.  I noticed that it was a blow out as it rubbed all the way up my arm as I was maneuvering him around in the tiny room.


He of course was screaming throughout the entire thing because he was scared of the bathroom and felt uncomfortable.  I tuned him out, settling in for the long diaper change, and did my best.  I had packed extra clothes, but trying to get everything out of the backpack in this tiny space with poop already all over my arm and on the sink was a disaster.  I was trying to wash my arm off but was just making a bigger mess of everything.  Meanwhile, Noah is still crying.  I can only imagine what the people in the last few rows were thinking.  

I finally got Noah in his new outfit and cleaned up.  I couldn't put him on the ground while I cleared everything else up.  I had to clean the entire sink area, myself, and try to keep him somewhat quiet.  I was probably in there for 15 minutes.  What a mess.

The flight attendants looked at me pitifully when I finally exited the bathroom with a huge sigh of relief.  “That was a disaster,” I said.  They smiled, likely thinking oh that poor thing.  Or they were thinking thank god that kid stopped crying.  Either way, I was done with the poop disaster.

Scottsdale was of course quite chilly while we were there.  We attempted one afternoon where we went in the pool.  Noah and I were freezing, not having any of it.  Bella and Ian did a little better, but we still only stayed in for about 15 minutes.  We also went to the Zoo, the McCormick’s Train Park, and the Odysea Aquarium.  We had a blast.  It was our first family vacation and Ian and I now know what it will be like traveling with the kids from now on.  We can’t wait to show them the world.  I have so many big plans for us as a family; I just can’t wait to introduce them to different cultures and countries.  

After we got home, the babies (now toddlers I suppose I should say) celebrated their second birthday!  We had a blast with the family and cousins and aunts and uncles for their birthday party.  It is so great that we are all in the same city and are all so close.  It is no joke that it truly takes a village.  I am so grateful for the help I have.

Noah had a swallow study as well this past week that showed that he is struggling with liquids and they go deep enough that they are close to aspirating.  We now have to thicken them again in order to keep him safe from aspirating, which can cause pneumonia and other airway illnesses.  It seems like it is a step backwards, but really it isn’t.  He has been coughing and choking so much when he drinks that I feel this has been going on for sometime and we just haven’t caught it until now.  We are lucky that he didn’t get sick at all during the time that we weren’t thickening everything.  He and Bella are always on the go now and rarely sit down.  We are always chasing them and running around like crazy.  Besides the thickening of liquids, we are all healthy and doing great, excited to see what kind of madness the “terrible twos” bring us.


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