itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

What is Burdening Me?

My Guides always tell me that I am carrying the emotions of other people.  I ask them to release these emotions because I always take on too much.  I take on the burdens and anxiety of others when it has nothing to do with me.  This is something I have been dealing with my whole life, I think, but I have not actually tried to work on it before.  I have not noticed when it is happening. Instead, I lash out or react poorly to situations instead of pausing and asking myself what is really going on.  I don’t often know what the deep rooted issue is within myself because I prefer to live in denial.  I don’t want to feel those feelings of hurt, fear, guilt, embarrassment, not being good enough.  These are all the burdens that I hold within myself.

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itsellenelizabeth itsellenelizabeth

Asking for Help

“I just didn’t want to be alive anymore,” Meghan stated to Oprah, whose jaw dropped to the floor. “I thought it would have solved everything for everyone...right?”

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